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Bit too bold? How to wear with confidence

Bit too bold? How to wear with confidence

You have the power to live the life of your dreams today by letting go of the limiting stories, choosing confidence, embracing yourself and just doing the damn dream.

By Danielle Nagel

Want to know how you can cultivate the life of your dreams?

Step 1: Choose Confidence
Step 2: Embrace Yourself
Step 3: Do the Damn Dream
So often we believe that the life of our dreams can only be fulfilled when we attain certain societal standards. We tell ourselves stories like, "I'll be confident once I have that body, "I'll have no worries once I make six figures", or "I would be happier if my life looked like that". When we tell ourselves these stories repeatedly, we begin to believe that who we are and what we have today isn't good enough. These comparisons start to lessen our confidence and make us believe that in order to be successful, beautiful, and worthy, we've gotta look like the supermodel on IG and have the Pinterest perfect house, car, office and vacations too. Girl, let me tell ya. I know models who actually do have all of this and guess what? They aren't confident, worry free, or any happier than you. It's actually quite the opposite. They are stuck further in comparison traps and riddled with anxiety from the unrealistic expectations society puts on us. So how do we get out of this messy self consciousness and into strong self confidence? First, let's affirm that confidence isn't selfish or conceited. Self confidence is self empowerment. As our queen of confidence Lizzo says, "When I'm shinin' everybody's gonna shine!" And that's a fact babe! When you immerse yourself in self love and positivity, you radiate and spread that energy to others. Your self love helps others cultivate self love. So, let's get it girls. Let's cultivate that confidence mindset NOW. You don't have to wait on these "achievements" to validate your worth or your potential. You have the power to live the life of your dreams today by letting go of the limiting stories, choosing confidence, embracing yourself and just doing the damn dream. Long lasting confidence doesn't come overnight, but believe me, the more you practice a confidence mindset, the more you will come into the powerful, confident, and fierce person you are.



The Confidence Collection is all about affirming your worth, your beauty, and the incredibly unique perceptive you bring to the table. These new Dazey sayings and graphics are here to hype you up in all you are so you can GET IT GIRL! This collection was made to encourage you do the damn dream, work that confidence and show up fully as the fierce female you are. Remember babe, confidence is a cultivated mindset. You've got to practice it and preach it to be it. At any given moment we have the choice to show up confidently in life rather than in fear of judgment, self doubt, or shame. But how? It's not easy, but girl, it's powerful AF. It's learning to choose self confidence over self consciousness. It's ditching comparison traps or “not good enough” mindsets and knowing that you can accomplish any damn thing you dream. It's learning to go against the grain and stand up for yourself. It's the ability to thrive in positive self affirmation and show up fully for yourself. Confidence is the ultimate glow up, queens. Let's bloom with confidence and show the world what a fierce glow up looks like.




Growing up, self consciousness consumed so much of my time. There was always a part of me worrying about what other people thought of me, what I looked like, if I was cool enough, etc. It was a debilitating process that stopped me from expressing myself and being fully me. As I became an adult, I observed that people aren't just confident naturally. Confidence was cultivated by choice. People become confident, powerful, and fierce by choosing that mindset and allowing that positive energy to carry them through work and life. So to get my confidence blooming, I did the same. I chose confidence over self consciousness, allowed my wacky ideas to shine, worked towards my dream, and stopped caring what everyone else thought. I allowed self assurance to guide me towards being less self absorbed by self doubt, and it's probably the most powerful & freeing thing I've ever done for myself.



  • Posted by Mackenzie on

    Not sure I will succeed, but I want to give confidence a shot.

  • Posted by Rachel on

    I am going to choose to cultivate confidence and not let self-consciousness take over again.

  • Posted by Olivia on

    Yes, bold is the new me! 😀

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